1.      To promote and foster beneficial interaction between the Alumni and the present students.

2.     To encourage the Alumni to take an active participation and interest for the development of the college so as to contribute towards the enhancement of the social utility of their alma mater.

3.     To organize and establish scholarship funds to help the needy and deserving students.

4.     To undertake activities of nation building including those of charitable nature.

5.     To exchange and share experiences, professional knowledge, organize academic activities to develop the rural students.

6.     To undertake the all such lawful activities as are conductive to the attainment of the above objectives.

7.     To publish the booklet for the fulfillment of the objectives of the Alumni Association.

8.     To enable the Alumni to participate in the activities that would contribute to the general development of the college.

9.     To organize the alumni and maintain the long-term attachment with them.

10. To prefer the innovative ideas, provoking thoughts, emerging concepts from Alumni of various fields to motivate students for building career aspects with effective discussion.

11.    To develop the institute with the help of the Alumni.

12.  To collect the thoughts and expectations of the alumni for enhancing the sustainable programmes of the college.

13.  To get feedback from Alumni time to time for the up-gradation of the college.

14. To counsel, guide and share experiences with students according o the present status of the Alumni as pathfinder, milestone for the students.

15.  To take advantage of the advanced and developing technologies for the successful achievement of objects of the Association.




Sr.No. Name                       


1 Adv. Jyotirao R. Raut President 9422952004
2 Shri. Vinayakrao Bondre Vice-President     9881342213
3 Dr. Ku. Meena T. Nikam Secretary 9420338331
4 Dr. V. R. Yadav Co-Secretary  
5 Shri. Prakash N. Mehetre Treasurer 9881227157
6 Dr. Vinayak Ubarhande Member  
7 Dr. Prakash Shingane Member 9850377878
8 Dr. Anant R. Sirsat Member  
9 Prof. J. B. Devhade Member  
10 Shri. Mahesh Wadhwani Member 9850377848
11 Adv. R. M. Kakde Member  
12 Adv. Dinkarrao Patil Member  
13  Captain Dipak R. Limse Member